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Scan and upload.
Spend more time selling.

Get your new contact data into Salesforce. Fast! No more manual data entry. More time to prospect and sell. Watch the video.

Scan straight to
Salesforce, right after
a sales meeting

Digitize and upload business card data in 2 taps, wherever and whenever. Keep a private phonebook of your best leads. Pair with the Salesforce1 mobile app to create Leads or Contacts.

Get business cards at events, meetings, anywhere
Scan new cards right when you get them
Upload contact data to a Salesforce custom object
Add Leads to your Campaigns

Add some context
and never forget
the details

You can add the date and location of when and where you met. And add notes from voice memos.

The business card image stays with the Salesforce record, so you can check it anytime.

Keep your best
business contacts
in your iOS or
Android device

Your upload history stays in your phone. Look up your contacts and call or email them right away. Contact data can also be transferred to your phonebook app.

Secure your data with
biometric authentication

Local data is encrypted and you can lock the app with biometric authentication so only you have access. You can also fully delete the upload history with one click to be super-safe.

Prioritize your time and maximize opportunities

Salespeople value every minute of the day. In a perfect world, you’re always selling.

Have Scan to Salesforce do the admin work, so you can focus on your prospects, leads, and customers.

Meet a prospect
Scan their business card with Scan to Salesforce
Upload contact data to Salesforce and add Lead to Campaign
Follow-up and sell!
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